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alan.shepard@uwo.ca; gtigert@uwo.ca; csteeves@uwo.ca; finegan@uwo.ca; mdavison@uwo.ca; byounker@uwo.ca; llogan2@uwo.ca; ahrymak@uwo.ca; lesley.rigg@uwo.ca; kcole4@uwo.ca; lmiller@uwo.ca; mmilde@uwo.ca; slhodgson@ivey.ca; khibbert@uwo.ca; kcoley@uwo.ca; jgarland@uwo.ca; lhende44@uwo.ca; echambe@uwo.ca; john.yoo@uwo.ca



I am emailing you to demand action from Western’s administration concerning the growing rate of international tuition increases. Although higher increases are enforced every year, hiking rates by the thousands during a time of global loss of income has exposed the extent of this problem.

I want to bring your attention to the growing protest from international and domestic students alike. Over 2,600 people have signed a petition urging Western to rethink its policies, not to mention other student petitions and reports by the CBC, London CTV news, The London Free Press, and others that are rapidly raising awareness about this issue. Visit uworeceipts: tiny.cc/uworeceipts to see a website by Western students that is garnering a lot of attention in the Western community.

By persistently increasing these fees, even during a pandemic, Western is sending the message to its international students that it is a business first and an academic institution second. This is especially unacceptable coming from an academic institution that prides itself on its diversity. As Western students and alumni, our endurance has reached a tipping point.

Western students demand a cap for international tuition increases from Western. The fixed rate of increase must be transparent on the fee schedules for all incoming and upper year students.

Unpredictable increases are impossible to budget for, leaving upper year students with the threat of dropping out while scampering for ways to cover the increased costs (intl student testimonials). The vast majority of international students are ineligible for the handful of small scholarships and bursaries offered, so these are not a reliable option in the face of unpredictable tuition spikes. We are not seeking band-aid solutions, but rather long-term change.

Western has claimed to the CBC through its spokesperson that the tuition increases were necessary due to “increased inflationary costs”. And yet, Western‘s administration knows that revenue from tuition hikes is wildly disproportionate to the costs (uworeceipts, see “COVID Savings and Expenses”). Then again, why is it that Western sees international students as the prime candidates to shoulder its bills?

Students from all over the world choose Western to study at a prestigious institution that offers good value for money compared to peer institutions that lack this important competitive edge. Annually hiking up Western’s international tuition to match peer universities’ fees will only drive future international students away to the next best option. For enrolled students, retention rates will fall. With the quality of education and extracurriculars declining due to the closure of campus spaces, the increase in fees is even more outrageous. International students feel milked by an institution that they love and have sacrificed a lot to attend. This cannot continue without restraint.

Please consider this issue a priority and use your powers to change this exploitative policy. Awareness of this problem is growing faster than ever, and Western’s global reputation for offering the best student experience is at stake. Don’t let Western match overpriced peers at the expense of its students. Place a cap on international tuition fee increases and set an example to peer institutions. Thank you.